Friday, April 30, 2010

Is Australia broke yet?

Hey Kevin - is Australia broke yet? Your next apology will be saying sorry to all Australia for your wrong doings.

If the country isnt broke now, we are well on the way. A lot of the credit for that has got to go to a certain PM that I refer to as 'krudd'. It seems all his "considered policies" are done on the run by bogans that really have no idea. He is responsible for policies that put insulation in roofs that burnt down peoples homes and also killing 4 installers; putting solar on roofs and then ripping off pensioners after they are in; claiming the world was doomed from global warming due to our bad habits, polution etc. Kev tried to save the world with that one; Japanese whaling - what happened Kev? another one that's too tough?; this failed building recovery program in our schools - what a rip off. Schools have wanted more money for decades, but they wanted it spent on what they needed, not overpriced buildings and structures that simply profit the builders and installers; computers in schools for every child - where are they and where is the infrastructure to support them? Where are those 240 child care centres you promised to build? And don't forget all these illegal boat people. Well done kev on that failure! Maybe he is trying to bring in so many illegals and stack the voting with them on his side for the next election - hmmm. I am sure they would vote for him simply so they can keep bringing in more of their families and friends.

Everything he touches is doomed to failure. The sooner he goes the quicker we can see what he has really cost us. Actually what he has cost our children, their children etc etc. They will be paying for this for many many years to come. I just hope they remove his photo from the wall in parliament that shows past prime ministers. He needs to be on the "dunces' wall! I remember travelling around this country and seeing all these statues, busts actually, of past Prime Ministers. Can you imagine his going up there. It will cop so much vandalism from those he has effected.

The worst part is he thinks he is doing a good job. Well I think he would be better off starring in a 'milky bar kid' movie - but it would have to be a silent movie wouldn't it. I heard a song on local radio 2GB yesterday 'Ruddy" dedicated to him and if it wasn't so true we would sit back and laugh. Bring on an election later this year. Bring it on sooner please - kevin 07 needs to go. I would even support a new government bringing Peter Costello back as treasurer. At least we may get back in the black, hopefully sooner rather than later.

Now he has hit people with a 25% tax hike on cigarettes overnight to generate 5 billion dollars in tax over 3 years. I dont smoke but you have to remember that a lot of poor people and pensioners are addicted to smoking. I just heard that if a cigarette costs $1, 67 cents goes to the government and the balance to the manufacturer and retailer. That's a lot of cash directly into health but we have heard that all before. Our hospital systems are stuffed and he reckons he has another 'considered' plan to fix it. That should be enough of a warning for us all to worry.

I cannot remember hearing talkback radio so anti government before. I am used to hearing some supporting them and some the opposition. I think krudd has a lot to answer for. Pity he wont accept responsibility for all the problems he has created. He will just sit there looking the opposite way with his stupid smug look on his face. Come on Kev, do us all a favour and get out now. If you cant, just stop trying to think of ways to help the country - you can't help!

Oh BTW, krudd may say he is a Queenslander, but he cant be. They're all passionate, fair dinkum Australians.